Pregnancy Acne and Skin Changes

Acne Remedies Guide

All thanks to the hormones your complexion may exhibit throughout pregnancy. If you’ve always had clear skin, pimples, acne, and the like appear as unwelcome guests. On the other hand, if you had acne, pimples, or other skin problems before becoming pregnant, your skin may just clear up. Regardless of the circumstances, you can begin by keeping your skin clean and moisturized. If pimples or acne emerge, do not pick, squeeze, itch, or pop them. Skin scarring aggravates the situation. If your acne worsens, consult your doctor.

Tips for Acne Prevention

  • Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face twice a day. Exfoliate your skin but do not scrub it.
  • Exercise relieves stress by increasing blood circulation and oxygen penetration into the skin.
  • Do not squeeze, pop, scratch, or pick at your pimples because this can spread the illness.
  • Drink plenty of water every day to assist the body to detoxify from the inside out.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink enough water to keep your skin healthy. Sugar and processed carbohydrates should be avoided.
  • Avoid using oil-based cosmetics and wash your makeup brushes in warm soapy water.
  • Avoid exposing your skin to excessive amounts of sunshine, heat, or cold.
  • Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight since it might trap sweat against the skin.

Acne Treatment

  1. Apply lavender or tea tree oil to the affected region of acne. These essential oils are natural antibiotics that kill a wide variety of germs while also reducing redness, itching, and stinging. Try a steam facial with hot water and a few drops of tea tree oil. When you’re done, rinse your face with cold water to help shut the pores.
  2. Place a fresh garlic clove in half on the affected area.
  3. Apply a teaspoon of lemon juice and cinnamon powder to the acne.
  4. Apply vinegar to your face with a cotton ball and leave it on for ten minutes before rinsing with cold water.
  5. Lemons and other citrus fruits are excellent natural exfoliants. In a basin, squeeze a lemon or citrus fruit and soak a cotton ball in the liquid. Apply lemon juice to your face and keep it on for 10 minutes before washing with cool water.
  6. Apply one egg white to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. The high protein and fatty acid content of egg whites replenish the skin and tighten the pores.
  7. If you notice a pimple on your face, apply an ice cube to the affected region.
pregnant women
Acne is a major pregnancy issue for women. It is most likely to develop in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes. 

Acne treatment can be frustrating, as it must be remembered that any medication taken to control acne must not harm the foetus. Most acne treatments are unsafe during pregnancy. Acne medications can cause birth defects in babies.

No More Acne

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